ZEISS Vision Care is part of the larger ZEISS Group. With ZEISS Medical Technology, they cover the entire spectrum of eye health care needs during a person’s lifetime.
ZEISS sponsored articles.
ZEISS myopia management products
Myopia management products listed by Myopia Profile have been specifically designed for myopia control or myopia management in children, and have some form of regulatory approval or marking for this form of use. They also have randomized controlled trial research data supporting their efficacy, unless otherwise noted. It is up to the individual eye care practitioner to be aware of regulatory requirements for prescribing in their country of practice, and also be aware that not all products are available in all countries.MyoCare
The ZEISS MyoCare lens is the first age-related design released for myopia management in children. It consists of two age-related designs, the MyoCare for children younger than 10 years and the MyoCare S for children 10 years and older. Both incorporate Cylindrical Annular Refractive Elements or C.A.R.E.® technology, aimed to deliver a slow down signal for eye growth. Data for a one-year randomized controlled trial has been published, (presumably utilizing the MyoCare S) indicating a moderate myopia control effect.