Myopia Profile


IMI - Clinical Management Guidelines Supplementary Digital Content

Posted on March 25th 2019 by Kate Gifford

In this article:

Supplementary Digital Content from the Clinical Management Guidelines paper for Myopia Control and all links to the cited resources.

The landmark International Myopia Institute (IMI) White paper reports were published on 28 February 2019. As lead author on the Clinical Management Guidelines paper, I was thrilled to see the work of my 13 co-authors and I shared with a keen clinician audience worldwide. It was drawn to my attention, though, that the promised Supplementary Digital Content had not been published, so here it is. It's also a little easier publishing it as a blog as I can include the links to the cited resources.

Key open-access meta-analysis and systematic review papers

These are all open access so free to download the full paper - useful for clinicians and scientifically minded parents alike.

Online practitioner education resources

These are examples of currently available online practitioner resources:

Online forums

These are closed Facebook groups requiring administration permission to enter. Simply search the name and you'll find them, or use these links. Examples include:

Clinical conferences

Many clinical conferences now offer myopia management streams or lectures on their program, particularly contact lens conferences. Examples include:

Resources for practitioner-patient communication

Below are examples of currently available practitioner-patient communication tools and resources:

  • The open access, peer reviewed research articles described above can be provided by practitioners to parents interested in research detail.
  • A paper based, practitioner-patient communication tool, with chairside reference guide, can be downloaded in English, Chinese, German or French from the Resources Page of this website
  • A patient-specific explanation of myopia and its consequences, a linked blog, and a short survey to explain genetic, environmental and individual risk factors for myopia development and progression is available at
  • The Brien Holden Vision Institute Myopia Calculator is designed to predict progression of myopia throughout childhood, based on the child’s current age and refraction. It then allows the practitioner to apply different myopia treatment strategies to demonstrate the effect of myopia management.
  • Myappia is an android app which also allows for visualisation of childhood myopia progression based on research, and the likely outcomes of treatment choices.
  • An information home page, comprehensive survey tool for myopia risks and two leaflets on myopia (available for purchase) are found at This is available in English, German, French, Spanish, Dutch, Italian, Polish and Norwegian.
  • Information on myopia for parents can be found at

Software tools available to customize OK lens designs

Myopia Control Treatment Informed Consent example form, from the University of California Berkeley Myopia Control Clinic, can be viewed at full size using the link.

Meet the Authors:

About Kate Gifford

Dr Kate Gifford is an internationally renowned clinician-scientist optometrist and peer educator, and a Visiting Research Fellow at Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia. She holds a PhD in contact lens optics in myopia, four professional fellowships, over 100 peer reviewed and professional publications, and has presented more than 200 conference lectures. Kate is the Chair of the Clinical Management Guidelines Committee of the International Myopia Institute. In 2016 Kate co-founded Myopia Profile with Dr Paul Gifford; the world-leading educational platform on childhood myopia management. After 13 years of clinical practice ownership, Kate now works full time on Myopia Profile.

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